Search results for "vɨgɨɗ ʸ"

vɨgɨɗ ʸ n. hole trou (6 groups, 20 languages) C syn: gɨʔʷ.
There was a regular change *v
→b in the Meri subgroup of the Mofu group. The medial *g has been lost in all groups except for Proto-Mandara and Proto-Maroua, probably via an intermediate change to *ɣ, both of which are unestablished changes. (The Mofu-Gudur form may be borrowed from Giziga Marva.) In Proto-Mafa and Gidar the loss of *g has been compensated for by the reduplication of the first syllable, which is a common sporadic process. The labialisation prosody in Gidar and the /u/ in Sukur may indicate that *gʷ should be reconstructed instead of *g. The final *ɗ has been lost in Proto-Mandara and Proto-Gidar. Within the Mofu group, several languages have /j/ as a result of the palatalisation prosody causing *ɗʲ→j. These are common sporadic processes.

1Proto-Mafa *vavaɗ ʸ hole trou 1.1) Mafa (Ndokobai) veveɗ trou

2Proto-Sukur *vuɗ hole trou 2.1) Sukur (David) vuɗ hole 2.2) Sukur (Thomas) vuɗ Hole: is a hollow space in a something solid or in the surfaceof something.

3Proto-Mandara *vɨgɨ ʸ hole trou 3.1) Matal (Branger) afik hole trou 3.2) Podoko (Swackhammer) vɨ́ge trou 3.3) Mandara (Fluckiger) évege trou (m) 3.4) Malgwa (Löhr) əvəge hole 3.5) Glavda (Owens) aaf hole 3.5.1) Glavda (Nghagyiva) àfka hole 3.6) Dghwede (Frick) fke hole

4Proto-Mofu *vɨɗ ʸ hole trou 4.1) Ouldeme (Kinnaird) āvì hole trou 4.2) Mada (Barreteau) vvèɗ trou 4.3) Moloko (Friesen) pəɗe hole trou 4.4) Zulgo (Haller) bìje trou m. 4.5) Gemzek (Sabatai) bije hole trou 4.6) Merey (Gravina) bəɗ hole trou 4.7) Dugwor (Jubumna) abed hole; pit trou; fosse 4.8) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) ́vəgeɗ trou, orifice ; tombe

5Proto-Maroua *vɨgɨɗ ʸ hole trou 5.1) Giziga Moutourwa (Michielan) vigiɗ(i) trou, tombe 5.2) Giziga Marva (Hamidou) vigeɗ hole trou 5.3) Mbazla (Tourneux) veɗ trou

6Proto-Gidar *vɨva ʷ hole trou 6.1) Gidar (Hungerford) vovu trou 6.2) Gidar (Schuh) vomvu trou
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